Located in the beautiful city of Savannah, Georgia. Kingdom Life is a non-denominational, multi-cultural, holistic ministry that is primarily called and focused on advancing the Kingdom’s agenda in the Coastal Empire. We love people and simply want to see his Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
What To Expect
We believe that our worship experiences should reflect Jesus, so our worship services are full of life. You’ll find our praise and worship energetic and uplifting, and you’ll hear a life-changing Word that will empower you and point you towards Jesus. No matter which service you decide to visit, you can expect the same powerful worship experience with worship and word that will change your life.
Come As You Are
At Kingdom Life, there is no dress code. We are more concerned with people’s hearts than what they are wearing. Feel free to wear what you want, to make you feel comfortable whether that’s a suit or shorts.
Bring The Kids Too
Do you have a child 6 months to 3 years old? During our worship experiences, we offer an engaging nursery for your little one while you enjoy the service. You can rest assured that your children will be loved and taken care of in a safe, secure, and exciting environment designed just for them, all while learning about Jesus!
Plan A Visit
As a first time visitor, it is our goal to make sure that we connect with you and that you have an exemplary experience. We are looking forward to meeting you! Be sure to stop by Guest Services and we’ll have a member from our team ready to greet you, assist with checking in your children and help direct you to the sanctuary.
Worship With Us!
Sunday Worship
In – Person
8:45am| 11:30am | 5pm
Tuesday Night Bible Study
In Person
First Tuesday Only 6:45pm
Every Tuesday 7pm
Corporate Prayer
Every First Saturday
New Members Class
Every First Saturday
9-11 am
Every First Sunday
The Lords Supper
Every First Sunday

Charles Roberson and his wife Yolanda, serve a the Senior Pastors of Kingdom Life Christian Fellowship, a growing, multi-generational, multi-cultural church in Savannah,GA. As founding Pastors’ in 2001, today Kingdom Life is a rapid growing ministry that is focused on sharing the gospel and Community Transformation.
Charles & Yolanda have been happily married since 1990 and together they have two wonderful children, Charles Jr. and Channah.

Pastor Charles Roberson
Charles Roberson serves as the Senior Pastor of Kingdom Life Christian Fellowship, As founding Pastor in 2001 today, Kingdom Life is a church focused on loving people and caring for our community. As a pastor, communicator, author, “No Longer The Victim” and mentor Charles has a passion for the city, and being at the forefront of change. Charles also serves as Chaplain Coordinator for the Savannah Police Department, and as Chaplain for the Chatham County Police Department.

Pastor Yolanda Roberson
Yolanda Roberson serves as Executive Pastor of Kingdom Life Christian Fellowship, a church focused on loving people and caring for our community. She is honored to play a key role in the church. As a communicator, leader and role model, Yolanda is passionate about encouraging and empowering women to step into their God-given callings, regardless of their many walks of life.
Impacting Every Generation to Live the Kingdom Life
Impacting People Everyday to Know Christ and Live in His Kingdom
Our Birthing Verse
Matthew 16:19
And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Word of God
We believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired, inerrant and only infallible, authoritative Word of God. The entire Bible is God’s divinely inspired Word and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness (II Tim. 3:16, II Pet. 1:20). The Bible, is our final authority in faith and conduct.
We believe that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and are in need of salvation (Rom. 3:23, 3:10-12). We believe in the salvation and sanctification of unbelievers through the renewal and regeneration of the Holy Spirit in the heart. We believe that God so LOVED the world and desire that everyone come to him through his son and receive salvation. (John3:16)
Kingdom of Heaven
We believe that the Kingdom Of God (Kingdom of Heaven) was the central message of Christ in the New Testament and that as believers we are a part of his glorious Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace, and Joy. (Romans 14:17)
Holy Spirit
We believe in the observance of (Holy Communion or Lord’s Supper), in water baptism and in the baptism of the Holy Spirit which leads to the empowering and enabling of believers to live a Christian life in this present world.
Son of God
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We believe in His deity, His virgin birth, in His perfect and sinless life, in His supernatural work in miracles and healing, in His substitutionary death, His shed blood which atones for the sins of the world, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father in heaven, and in His personal return in power and glory and the dead in Christ shall rise, and we that remain will be caught up with him. (1 Thess. 4:15-17)
The Local Church
We believe in the local church as the assembly of all those who have received the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior who come for Christian Fellowship, the preaching and teaching of the Bible and to demonstrate the love of Christ to the community and the world. We believe the Church, ordained by God and founded by Jesus Christ, is the equipping agency for the saints. It is an arm of God for the express purpose of loving and evangelizing the world, as well as Empowering, Healing, and strengthening for the Body of Christ so that everyone can serve. We believe the Church provides and expresses the clear will of God for all mankind.